Dear Friends, S8 PMC  goes one step further creating its own identity.  Since now Companyuses patch system,  reflecting OP’s experience,…

Dear friends,

Today I will share with you one more review, initiated Powered by MadBull airsoft –  X Factor Piston full teeth. Again, if you do not know what is piston or what its function is – the next paragraph you might find uninteresting. This review is for those who know what we are talking about.

Dear friends,

we have another review, powered by MadBull airsoft. This time it is  –  Spring Guide (the spring root – others may say) for V2 gearbox. Who does not know what it is, how it works, or looks like – do not read further. However, the next time you change spring guide, ask for a better one – Madbull Ultimate Spring Guide (take a note) ;)

Mk series .22LR Double Star Combat Pistol .45 Black-Ops (Hi-CAPA) Double Stack .45 Pistol

Sveiki Draugai,

pristatau airsofto komandą RESISTANCE. Kurį laiką, kai kai dar galiojo projektas Sand Dogs, su šia komanda turėjome dažnų diskusijų kaip turėtų atrodyti PMC Komanda. Komandą atstovauja užkietėjęs kovinis inteligentas – Sentry. Manau, kol kas tai bus viena charizmatiškesnių ir nuoširdesnių anketų šioje retrospektyvoje.

Taigi, linkėjimai komandai RESISTANCE ir gero skaitymo.

Pagarbiai, UNO



Dear Friends,
So,  goods finally came from MadBull Airsoft a week ago! I am very pleased that our agreement is not suspended and we will continue working.
Today I will review a unique adaptor that is being very simple, is also very functional. This is a standard 20mm rail belt buckle attachment loop … uh, weapon sling system adapter for standart 20mm rail.MadBull allowed to choose one of three similar types of adapters: