Old fellow Geardo Master Jedi J.J. gives a tip how to make your chest rig’s dangling shock cord ends organised.
Currently owned Chest rig designed to carry AK platform magazines with 5 internal open-top type mag pouches. All open top pouches have special bungees made of shock cord and webbing for magazine retention.
After several years of use (definatelly not a daily use) the mag retension bungees got loose, so I decided to tighten them. The pictures shows in what state the shock cord was found. Main reason – extensive rubbing of metal magazines, especially during fast and mean reloadings.
So I decided a quick repair and mod would be all that is necessary to stop the shock cord from getting all weird again. Next will talk about what was was done and how.
We cut the weird loose part of shock cord, we found out that for next step is to cut a little bit above the inner rubbery part of the shock cord found in its center. Basically, leave some outer material sticking. Look at the next step to understand why.
We burn the end of shock cord to form a nice end cap sealing the inner rubbery center. Be carrefull not to over do this step. Pics below.
We put a little piece of thermal fit/shrink tube on the end or few milimeters below the end of the burned paracord.
Shrink the tube using lighter or heat gun. Be carefulll not to burn any more paracord.
Job done, time to tie so knots.
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