Section 8 PMC Bootcamp 2013

Sup people,

On the first weekend of July we had our second (BootCamp 2012) annual Section 8 PMC Int. Boot Camp 2013 – training camp. This year’s training camp was organized and developed by PMC Vilnius  branch. Unfortunately, six members of the Company was unable to attend the congress. Like last year, we present a story from the ground.

S8 training camps aim to summon members of the Company’s for general workout to update knowledge and improve personal and teamwork skills. To provide basic knowledge for newcomers, and of course – a good R&R time.

Airsoft spring conscription

Dear friends,

I am a little late to share this post because I was working on how to add watermark to pictures :) From now on, we will use this photo tagging, as we often find expropriated photos (without reference to the source) on other pages.

So, last (2013 04 20) Saturday in Klaipeda we held Airsoft spring conscription event. This event is targeted to the newcomers and beginners with participation of members from old teams. Old ones acquaint newcomers with airsoft, and the response to their queries related to this hobby.

Airsoft spring conscription