Operation FEBRUARY

Operacija vasaris

This picture is from last weekend event (2014 02 22). We took part in Operation FEBRUARY game.

At first I thought we are going to eat dirt big time as aopposing forces consisted of teams with significant experience. Second factor that made me think liek this – usualy we fight WITH these teams not AGAINST them.

But, our small local joint force group was made of our old friends. This is what saved our asses. We can call this round a draw. Oppsosing forces managed to avacute with great lost and without completing the task.

gg guys. Thank you all. See you next time.


First row, from left – Diver, Bull. Second row from left – Mega, Puzykas, Sainter, Uno, Grey Wolf, Brainiac.


Uno Written by:

Long living airsoft dinosaur. TBOC memmber. Blogger. Designer.

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