Su Big Boys,
since last weekends game im using this Single Point Rifle Sling from AirsoftPark. I really like this belt quality and price ratio. I could say this is my new favorit gun sling. Read on
- Manufacturer: n/a;
- Country of origin: n/a;
- Title: Single Point Rifle Sling;
- Material: slign – cordura not cordura…, clasp – metal, loops – plastic;
- Dimensions: width – 37mm, maximum length with clasp fastening – 67cm;
- Color: TAN + black;
- Price: 9.59$ with shipping from
True, I am suging Metal Sling Swivel i bought from AirsoftPark 2 years ago. Qality is ok. I chose Metal Sling Swivel with two loops, which I really only use one on the left, and right one remains empty. Right loop stands in the way of forward assist. I shoud cut this part some day…
Thus, the belt. Belts material is similar to cordura. It seems that it is the low-density Cordura. Seams are quite good, but stick thread. However, all seams are dual, with the cross-alteration. In a word – nice.
All three loops are made from plastic. Black plastic, rigid, flex and scratching resistant. Likely it is made of high-density polymer alloy so popular airsoft. True, I did not like that loops are black… If you choose to have the belt in TAN, would be nice to have its all components in desired color. While not a secret, in this way it is way cheaper for the manufacturer.
Rubber inside the sling is strong, hard. When stretched gets by one third longer. While hand-drawn, there is considerable resistance, but hanging gun will stretch rubber fully. This gum is not designed to absorb the weapons hanging – it is inadequate. This rubber is made to absorb the weapon when it is operated, as the shooting position or configuration is changed.
Weapon buckle fastening is made of heavy metal, painted in glossy black. Here I’ll give the sling minus, because gloss is really annoying. As a metal buckle will connect to a metal loop on the arm, paint will wear off quickly.
The buckle is very simple. However, the buckles work very well. Buckle opens by pressing the latch. It has a strong spring inside. Latch is considerable, so even while wearing gloves it is easy to grasp and unfasten. It is difficult to move the buckle on the belt, becose fastening loop is squared. It would be easier if the loop awas round.
I liked the belt becose the price-quality ratio. I would say that price even mingy. -Tssss ;) The belt is long enough to use over the neck and armpit. Appropriate width, sling doesnt cut into the shoulders and neck.
The onlydrawback of this belt, I would like to point out, is this glossy and noisy weapon attachment buckle.
I woouldnt use this sling with mashine gun, because no one knows or will keep the plastic buckles and loops. I’d choose a two-point belts for havy guns.
PS.: It would be interesting to know what type of belt is the most popular among the readers:
Man asmeniškai patogiausias 1 point. Kiek pastebėjau kitų diržų minusų:
3 taškų labai painiojasi tarp liemenės krepšelių, o jei dar yra kuprinė, tai išvis šakes.
2 point tikriausiai labiausiai tinka ilgam ginklo nešimui per žygį, arba, kaip straipsnyje paminėta, kulkosvaidžiui, bet gerokai varžo manevringumą/ tactical rifle handling dynamics :D palyginus su vieno taško diržu.
P.s. būtų idomu gauti daugiau info apie amunicijos diržą nuotraukose :)
tai paprastas diržas, panašus į Amerikos kariuomenės, su užtempimu (be skylių) ant kurio sumautas dvigubas paučas, drop bag’as ir dar kažkokia smulkmė. Laiko ir džinsus ir įrangą :)
Varžo, jei nemoki naudotis ir susireguliuoti. Tinkamo ilgio tinkamai uždėtas elementarus 2 taškų diržas nenusileidžia vienataškiui/tritaškiui manevringume ir tame ką skambiai pavadinai “tactical rifle handling”, taip pat greitai leidžia keisti šaudymo ranką/petį nieko neatseginėjant ir nenusiimant diržo iš pradinės padėties.
Na su peties-rankos keitimu naudojant 2 taškų diržą gerokai sudėtingiau nei su likusioms dviem sistemom. Bet taip, tu teisus, 2 taškų diržas turi taip daug pliusų. Pvz vieno taško diržu niekada nebus patogu nešti ginklo „ramybės būsenoj“ kaip kad dviejų taškų diržu.
šitokį diržą naudojau ne viename žaidime, pirkdamas jį baiminausi kad gali sulūžti plastikinės kilpos arba metalinė jungtis kuria segamas diržas prie ginklo, bet nei vienas nei kitas nenutiko, pilnai pritariu – puikus kainos ir kokybės santykis.