Lithuanian milsim by Simonas Kepalas

My good old friend James – Simonas Kepalas replied to my call and sincerely expressed his views on milsimo situation in Lithuania. As many of you know (Lithuanians), James occasionally organizes milsim events who gained popularity.

Simonas Kepalas

Airsoft Team Lightning Rangers.

Until recently  “milsim” concept was very popular in Lithuanian airsoft community. For some, it was known and heard, for others – new and uknown. Then the two-word acronym was used, analyzed, interpreted with ​​all more active players of our comunity. And there was a basis for this popularity. Milsim concept was abused by both individual players and teams, and most importantly – by game organizers. Like mushrooms after the rain began to sprout games under Milsim flag. Unfortunately, in many cases, they stood out a little from the usual events, and the popularity of the bubble began to sink, while distorting the understanding of the term.

Milsimas in Lithuania began to associate with long hiking and boring STANDBY defense. For many it has become like a curse. It is obvious that such an interpretation of the action deterred many of players.

But milsim is not the one you have been experiencing. Of course, in such games you may experiencie longer distances,  more wet / cold or less firefights then in other type  of events. Aspiration to takes games as close as possible to the reality of military actions extends beyond just that. Especially important is the task execution. It is a task execution is most important, rather than ordinary commandments to take or bring shit here and there. Each task must directly conected to specific purpose, and clearly linked to the original situation or legend. Moreover, there is no sheer number of tasks in milsim as there is in other tipe games. Careful planning and consistent execution is very important to achieve the objective. This requires both time and knowledge and preparation. As in a real life, so in milsim too we do not have nine lives, therefore injuries and death are more punished. That is why there is special attention to preparation and consistent execution.  If the task execution takes  losses, it means something was done wrong.

Milsim is strongly influenced by the human factor. Here, the players themselves decides the course of events rather than artificial actions listed by organisers. Sstructure and hierarchy of forces is necessary for appropriate commander decisions and their execution. Thanks to this, each of the players know what is responsible for, whom they are submissive, what and when they have to do.

For milsim each task is important for the fulfillment of the ultimate goal, without dividing them into interesting or uninteresting, and so on.

Thank you



Uno Written by:

Long living airsoft dinosaur. TBOC memmber. Blogger. Designer.

One Comment

  1. Monday March 17th, 2014

    […] Lithuanian Milsim by James  – 17 / 03 / 14 […]

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