First in Lithuania custom AR15 platform from Thunder Armory

First in Lithuania custom  AR15 platform from Thunder Armory

First in Lithuania custom AR15 platform from Thunder Armory. This picture is a sneak peek and we will have more pictures soon. You can find Thunder Armory at FB HERE. And we are dead serious – we dont talk about airsoft here…

Thunder Armory, Perkūno Ginklinė

Manufacturer of custom made AR15 platform rifles. Upgrade for various weapon systems.

Perkūnas (Lithuanian: Perkūnas, Latvian: Pērkons, Prussian: Perkūns, Yotvingian: Parkuns) was the common Baltic god of thunder, one of the most important deities in the Baltic pantheon. In both Lithuanian and Latvian mythology, he is documented as the god of thunder, rain, mountains, oak trees and the sky.

Perkūnas and the Devil
An important function of Perkūnas (Thunder) is to fight the devil (in Latvian, jods, Lithuanian velnias). It is placed as an opponent of Perkūnas. The image of velnias is affected by Christianity. It is the god of hell and death. Its other names in Lithuanian include Velnias, Velinas.

Perkūnas pursues his opponent jods for picaroon or theft of fertility and cattle. Velnias hides in trees, under stones, or turns into various demonic animals: a black cat, dog, pig, goat, lamb, pike, cow (compare to the Latvian representations of jods a creature with the cow hoofs) or a person.

Perkūnas pursues an opponent in the sky on a chariot, made from stone and fire (Lithuanian ugnies ratai). Sometimes the chariot is made from red iron. It is harnessed by a pair (less often four or three) of red and white (or black and white) horses (sometimes goats). Compare the Lithuanian deity of horses and chariots Ratainyčia (Ratainicza mentioned in Lasick‘s works; from Lithuanian ratai – “wheel”). It is a mythologized image of a chariot of Didieji Grįžulo Ratai (“Grand Wheels of Grįžulas”(Ursa Major). It agrees with Samogitian representations, in which Perkūnas is a horseman on a fiery horse. On his heavenly chariot Perkūnas appears in the shape of a gray-haired old man with a big beard of many colors, in white and black clothes, holding a goat on a cord in one hand and a horn or an axe in the other.

The main function of Perkūnas (Thunder) is to fight the devil. We are making tools for people that fights devil. When chaos is attacking order, our tools protecting right and innocent


Uno Written by:

Long living airsoft dinosaur. TBOC memmber. Blogger. Designer.


  1. Friday August 9th, 2013

    Direct Impingement… ‘nuf said :D

    O šiaip keista čia matyti šią naujieną, tikėjausi ją išvysti Šulgos bloge. Derėtų Jums perimti tą mirusį reikalą, nes paskutiniai Jūsų straipsniai kiek iškrenta iš šio blogo konteksto.

    • S8PMC
      Friday August 9th, 2013

      Paėmėme iš Thunder Armory FB puslapio.
      Marius kol kas nesidalina nepilna informacija. Manau, kai viskas bus pilnai paruošta viešam pateikimui – atsiras ir GunBlog’e.
      Mes šiek tiek praplėtėme blogo temas, nes pajautėme didelį to poreikį iš skaitytojų. Tam ir blogo tagas buvo pakeistas.

      Direct impingement – nepatingėsi gal išvalyti kartą kitą ;) Be to su mūsų šovinių kainomis nebus daug pilančių.

      Teleskopai parašyk kokį straipsniuką. Hebra klausia kada Tu įsidrąsinsi ir parašysi ką įdomaus.

  2. Tuesday August 13th, 2013

    :) tiesioginis dujų padavimas turi savų privalumų. technologiškai pagaminti directą ar stumoklį kainuoja praktiškai tiek pat. turi bėdų ir išgirtasis Hk416. O Šulgos blogas laukia Jūsų straipsnių. Deja, šiuo metu užimtumas ir šeimyninė padėtis neleidžia jo plėtoti.

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