Dear friends
Like last year, this year we did not miss the opportunity to participate in international american car lovers rally – American Spirit 2014, which was held on August 9 in Palanga. We were supported by the veterans of this event – Team UNITY from Šiauliai. This event is a great opportunity for us to present Airsoft to the public. People’s interest in this hobby is great. There was moments when we had more visitors then rally it self. Everyone wanted to touch weapons, try on a helmet, take a picture with us.
True, Dragoons were supporting us too, which have brought heavy machinery :) This humvee, complete with a volcano (brought by Unity) has become a highlight of the day.
We want to thank Route 77 who took us on board of this badass truck this year too!
Below are the photos that we did ourselves and photos we hunted from internet. Picture of cars are ČIA.

Dalinamės UNITY komandos nario Mordos video įrašu iš vakarinio garbės rato J. Basanavičiaus gatve.
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