(English) Email from CUAC Airsoft Team


I have recaved an email from CUAC, Chilean airsoft team. These guys droped a line about their milsim style. Thank you.
Also, they want to try YOUR milsim. I hope some of you dear readers could sent these guys an email and give them a hand. Email: cuac.airsoft.team@gmail.com

We are a Chilean Airsoft team and played mainly in a more ludic style, which created several missions with clear goals, that develop in the course of the day. We have created games with 3 or 4 different opponents, with different goals that are relaited. The achieved objectives directly affect your next mission … We have created a series of stories by chapters that are played in different weeks …

I wonder if you can sent me rules, information and guides to create a Milsim game. In Chile there is little or nothing information and we would be interested to try new styles of game and compare it with that we are doing here…

Thanks you very much ,
CUAC Airsoft Team

Ps.: In Lithuania we also often play objectives that affect the next game scenario. Very good way to keep players interested and engaged into story.


Uno Written by:

Long living airsoft dinosaur. TBOC memmber. Blogger. Designer.

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