Dear friends,
On May 12th was our training day. It was windy, but beautiful Saturday. While the team gathered in small numbers, with a bit of a support group, still the training was successful. As always we started with the basics – gear maintenance, AEG control, shooting stances. We’ve finished the day all of this merging to the reaction to close contact while working group. It was not an ordinary training. Photographer Roman (Elith Photography) joined our training for promo photography. We thank him for sacrificing his valuable time. We now have lots of material to spread S8 propaganda. We would like to thank our company member Donatas (Puzikas) for a birthday surprise for fellow Bull!
Filmed with a mobile phone, so seasickness guaranteed.
This is ONE HUGE POST WITH COMMENTS, read more inside!
Le* Medic.
Present for Bull
Birthday party!
B-Party starter.
Warming up!
Champagne mask filter.
Good kick from this Glock.
Photographer Roman from Elith Photography
Kas kart vis tas pats… Gear maintenance…
Medic with rifle.
We have our own portable targets we bring to training.
Wrtong! Dont do this.
No recoil but still holding it right
Corner peeking.
Corner peeking in pairs
Corner shifting.
Position shifting
Moving to corner in pairs.
Shoulder shifting right.
Shoulder shifting left
Moving from cover.
Peek from cover OFF.
Peek from cover ON.
Back safety.
Some more Gun Dynamics.
Max firepower fron vague spot.
Good for doors…
Snake head drill.
We love our targets!
Very low cover fire
Same here too.
One leading one following.
Same here too.
Second engages too.
Rush fire.
Target shifting.
Safer distance retreat.
Obstacle course.
Tuborg training camp.
Obstacle course.
Lucas Films Presents…
Master Jedi
As LightSaber Master
Smoke screen drill.
We dont know this guys.
…and we know these broters acrobats.
Cheerleader team leader.
Gear we use, one.
Gear we use, two.
Gear we use, three.
Gear malfunction.
We are done for today!
Training day HQ image galery HERE
Foto gražios, keletas komentarų.
Nuotrauka “Nelendame visu korpusu, išlendame tik tiek kiek reikia” – torsas gal ir taip, bet tamstos atraminė koja yra klasikinėje “taip nedarykit, nebent norit gauti per koją” padėtyje. Prie kampo prieinama ne taip.
Foto “Už priedangos dviese.”, “Už priedangos.”, “Iš už priedangos.” Kaip supratau valomasi iš support hand pusės, taigi pirmas šaulys klūpi ne ant tos kojos, antras per daug išsiskėtęs, vėl koja gerokai iš už kampo išlenda, antras šaulys gerokai per toli nuo pirmojo, turi būti fizinis kontaktas tarp jų.
Jei netikit arba jūsų profesionalas instruktorius mano kitaip – nebūtina 20 metų are atkalt kad tuo įsitikinti. Try any of that shit in paintball ir viską suprasit savo kailiu.
Hints: is uz priedangos dviese turetu atrodyti mazdaug taip -> ,
Tai turbūt konstruktyviausias komentaras kurį iki šio esame gavę. Ačiū.

Sekančioje treniruotėje būtinai atkreipsime į tai dėmesį – atstumai tarp šaulių ir teisingos padėtys. Neatkreipiau dėmesio į tai.
Kad nebūt į vienus vartus:
Tas pats su “Nelendame visu korpusu, išlendame…”